My Rocky Road to My Future Baby ✌🏻*UPDATE*

Callie • 💓Mom of Twins💙

So I have been TTC for two years now. I am now 23 and my husband is 29. We have been married for almost 3 years and together for 7. At the beginning of our fertility journey I was diagnosed with PCOS. My husband and I knew it would be hard but we wanted to start our family, so we started clomid prescribed by my OBGYN.

During my time taking clomid I had MANY side effects! Hot flashes galore, nausea, headaches, and DRY cm. After 6 failed rounds of clomid we were referred to a fertility specialist. We found out that I had 3 polyps in my uterus that could have been preventing pregnancy.

It’s been 2 months since I’ve had the polyps removed and we are on round 2 of Femera. My husband and I are so hopeful that we will welcome a little one soon enough ♥️ It has been incredibly hard seeing negative after negative, but this app and the people on it have helped me so much.

I love having this community to ask questions and learn new things about TTC and womanhood in general. Just wanted to tell a little bit of my story! Baby Dust to all💚


So I am currently 11dpo and randomly woke up at 1am needing to pee. I decided “I know it will be negative but I think I’m going to test”! I took a test and got this result. Calling my OBGYN in the morning for a blood test to confirm. But I’m hoping this is it 😊