VBAC after 2csI have 2cs and 2 Vbac

VBAC after 2cs
I have 2cs and 2 Vbac....
I thank my God that made it easy...
My 3 hours active labour 
I was 40wks 1day  when I noticed that am In labour....
We drove for 45-50 mint to hospital and I was assessed and midwife told me am 5cm dilated....
They moved me to labor room , my midwife broke my water and the contractions became more painful...
I was not plan to have any pain killer but when the pain became unbearable I requested for petidine I was checked and was 7cm the midwife said I can’t have it any more the option is for epidural which I said YES am ready......
She went out to call anesthesiologists within 2 mints that she went out I told my patner that the baby is here am feeling like pushing.....
I did 3 pushes and baby was out....