Marriage Issues - Please Help

I really need some opinions on my situation.

I have been with my husband now for 9 years, but only married 2.

We were great.. then we got married. All of a sudden sex and love was gone. He doesn’t touch me or kiss me or cuddle.

I feel so uneasy naked around him because I feel he doesn’t want me anymore. We are basically best friends. We have a house and money and a dog wrapped in our marriage. We haven’t had sex for 2 years!

I tried to talk to him and tell him something is wrong and I break down and every time I talk to him, he just says it will get better and it never does.

I’m late 20’s and I don’t want to have sex with him and he obviously doesn’t want me. I’m sick of everyone thinking we are a perfect couple and not knowing what happens behind closed doors.

Do I leave? While I’m young?

Do I stay and be unhappy for everyone else? Maybe we have sex once more and have a baby?

I think we have fallen out of love with each other but we love each other dearly, not in love though.

Please help I feel really stuck.