Baby sleep training ...nested bean sleepsack?


So my daughter is 7 months now, when she was about 4 months old I was able to lay her down in her crib and she would fall asleep on her own and sleep 12 hours uninterrupted. She was always the best sleeper! Anyways about a month ago, I kind of messed it up by letting her nap on me. Now all of her naps, she Will only nap on me and because of that her bedtime has become super hard, I have to rock her in her baby carrier for her to fall asleep and gently put her down in her crib for bed hoping she doesn’t wake up lol anyways I’m thinking of sleep training her to get her back to falling asleep on her own . The first time I got her to do it by laying her down drowsy but not asleep, which worked after a couple of weeks with a lot of patience. But do you guys have any tips on what worked easier for you? I’m thinking of buying a white noise machine. Are they worth it ? And those that use the nested bean sleepsack, do those work ?? I noticed when she’s able to put herself to sleep she sleeps much longer at about 12 hours a night. She is currently sleeping in my room in her own crib, bedtime is 7:30.