I thought my first was fast but my second was earlier and faster!


I had my handsome baby boy on June 14th he was 37 weeks and 6 days, I woke up around 4:30-5am with some mild cramping 7-10 minutes apart, I woke up around the same time with my first and at 7 am had my bloody show so that’s what I was waiting on this pregnancy to go to the hospital, around 8 am the contractions started getting more painful and moving to my back as well I called my aunt to see if she had a bloody show which both her kids, she said she did with her first but not her second, at this point I realized it was time to go to the hospital. My mom arrived at 9 am to take my daughter and bring us breakfast I had one pancake and by this point contractions were about 5-7 minutes apart and getting harder to talk through. My mom told me I needed to go to the hospital right away as with my daughter when my water broke she was in my arms 10 minutes later. Around 9:30i arrived at the hospital I was put into assessment and told I was only 4-5 cm dilated at 10 am this was surprising to me because I had been 4 cm since 34 weeks. The nurse went to tell the dr who was currently in another delivery about 15 minutes later the contractions got almost unbearable and by around 10:30 I was bagging my partner to go get the nurse as I was feeling like I needed to puke and push at this point I was still in the assessment room, the nurses came and when they checked me I was 10 cm they quickly took me into a birthing room and moved me onto the other bed I was in so much pain I asked for some pain management but didn’t receive the Iv in time, when I got on the bed the dr checked be and discovered that my water still hadn’t broken and the baby had pooped inside. There was still a little lip before I could start pushing so he decided to break my water, after this I could finally start pushing the head was out pretty fast but then I had to stop pushing due to shoulder dystocia the dr was able to fix with his hands without any other interventions (luckily because I didn’t need stitches!) so after all this baby Henry was brown at 10:52 am weighing 7lbs 14 oz and 19 inches long! He was quite bruised and swollen from the birth but I wouldn’t change the way everything went! Although I could have used some drugs lol wa