Is your baby sleeping through the night? Sleep advise needed

I am desperate. We recently moved states and ever since we got into our new house my son refuses to sleep. I have done the same night routine, bought black out curtains, he has a sound machine. I lay him down drowsy and he just wakes up and cries. When I finally do get him to sleep he wakes up about 4 times a night.

The only thing I can think of is that we moved into a really old house where there is zero ac. Our bedrooms get hot at night so I bought a new ac and 2 dyson fans. (Ac unit only arrives July 1st) Last night he was so terrible that I caved and decided to try Ferber method. He cried so hard he threw up all over himself and his bed. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong 😱 I see all these moms having success with their baby sleeping and mine has never slept through the night. I was told once he starts solids he will sleep better, definitely not the case. He eats solids 3 times a day. I feel like I’m losing my sanity..

Will he sleep better once his room is appropriate room temp? Currently at night it’s 78-81

Please I will take any advise, I’m so exhausted and it’s honestly making me consider not having more babies because I’m miserable 😭

P.s my son will be 6 months July 8th

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