Any advice on how to get your s/o to help out?



So, I’ve been dating this guy for almost 2 years, and I’ve been living with him for around 9-10 months.

He lost his job back in March, and since then I think he’s applied to a total of maybe 5-6 jobs, all the other ones I applied to for him.

He got interviews for 3 of them, none of which he actually went to.

I understand that it’s really hard to get a job right now, and it wouldn’t bother me so much if he helped out more at home.

At the moment our house is a disaster, and I’ve been wanting to clean it but I work 12 hour shifts and dont feel like cleaning when I get home in the evening.

I’ve asked him a few times to do small things like “oh can you take this downstairs to the trash” or “it’d be really nice if you put the laundry away” but he never does. He mainly just sleeps until 1 pm, plays video games until I get home, eats dinner with me, and then goes back to playing video games until 2 am when he goes to bed.

I know it’s something he enjoys so I’m not gonna tell him to stop playing video games, but I feel like if he’s not employed right now he should at least help out more with cleaning right? Every time I try to explain this he either gets mad or gets sad and I feel bad.

How can I get it through to him that he either needs to get a job to help with bills, or he can take 1 hour out of his day to clean?