pls help my life


so there was this boy and soon we snapped basically everyday and i rly started to like him - but obviously since the last boy i liked i can’t like anybody bcos it never ends well so i didn’t admit it and then he just started ghosting me and even went as far as not sending me his streaks.

so one night i had to know what was going on and why all of this was happening and he blamed it all on a bad haircut, like yeah the haircut was AWFUL but that’s no reason to blatantly ignore someone

anyway, three months later and it’s all sorted and we had the two week bff thing and tbh rn yeah i’d say i like him but you have no idea how many tears he caused me and he doesn’t even like me back i mean with the last boy i liked i cried once and that was when it was over so idek if he’s worth it but everytime he snaps me it all doesn’t matter bcos i want him to like me

but now whenever he leaves me in delivered i get so upset and idk why like first of all it’s just down right rude to ignore someone on purpose and we lost the two week bff today and i rly took it to heart lol and idk why i’ve been replaced which literally is the smallest thing in the world and frankly idc abt that but now i’m upset for no reason

me overreacting wants to just remove him from snapchat but that’s just a bit low and here’s the BIG QUESTION

so i’ll say it now yes i do like him and i want that snap bff thing bcos i don’t have anything else im not pretty enough to have 6 boys of my bfl like other girls and i’m just too ugly. it just makes me feel special and wanted but then i feel like i should just cut him off and forget abt him but i reallllly dont want to