Permanent Sterilization 😳


For a long time, I thought I was okay with not having children. At 25 I got pregnant with my daughter. Then for the last three years I thought I was good with only having one child. Until I found out I was pregnant with my son. After finding out I kept thinking this is it! Two kids and I’m done! Financially it just wouldn’t be responsible. My husband and I have even briefly talked about him getting snipped after.

But today at my 31 week appointment, my doctor asked if I am done having babies and interested in permanent sterilization. Me.. permanently. Sterilized. For some reason, her saying those words has kind of freaked me out. I thought my mind was completely made up - no more babies. And suddenly I’m thinking, but what if? What if we did want another? When my husband and I talked about a vasectomy it seemed like no big deal, but the idea of having my tubes tied is kind of messing with my head.

Anyone debating this procedure after baby?

Just trying to work through my doubts.

(Obviously will be talking to hubby about it all too, just looking for other women’s input/experiences)