Would you let your 11 year old babysit?

Okay, ladies, would you let your 11 year old babysit? I was 9 when I started babysitting and now at age 29, I feel that is too young. However, my 11 year old has started expressing interest in starting a “babysitting business” and has asked about taking first aid/cpr/babysitting classes. My husband wants to let her take the classes and start by watching her younger sibling (7 and 5) for 30min-1hr and build up from there. I am not so sure. So, I just want opinions. And just because I’m sure some will have very intense opinions let me state a few things for the record: 1. I am not saying we are going to allow her to, we are merely discussing it 2. My state doesn’t have specific age guidelines 3. The Red Cross offers the classes to children 10+ 4. IF (big if) we did have her watch her siblings, she would be paid for it. We would never force it on her.

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