I’m envious of my best friend.


My best friend from high school and I have been out of school for about 7 years now. We still talk and hang out to catch up and whatnot but lately I’ve been feeling envious of her relationships.

In highschool I was a bit more social and outgoing and she was reserved, but now the tables have turned. Over the years I’ve found it harder and harder to make friends. Its hard for me to bond with my coworkers and I generally feel left out. Like I’m the weirdo that doesn’t fit in. On the other hand, my best friend has great relationships with her coworkers to the point that they go out frequently and plan trips together. I feel like she’s my only friend and I have no one else. I don’t like feeling like if something happened between us, I’d be left all alone.

I do have a boyfriend I’ve been with for about 5 years but I would also like to have a group of friends. He has a solid group of 3 best friends that I wish I had. I’m scared that if we were to break up I’d be all alone without a support group of friends like him. I don’t know what to do to fix myself.