Call me crazy, call me insane...


So, I'm already well aware that it's very different once you have a baby to raise, but even after reading posts, memes and even seeing my Mom raising my baby sister at 11 years old; I'm really hoping to get a positive result the next time that I take a pregnancy test. After my miscarriage about 4 years ago, I'm really hoping for that positive result and actually getting to meet my own baby.

I'm well aware that my boyfriend and I will have a lot of sleepless nights, diaper changes, feedings, blown out diapers, spitting up, a lot of laundry, a messy house and more to look forward to, but we're still trying for baby #1 as well as at least one more baby.

So, call me crazy, call me insane, but please wish us luck and send positive energy our way guys! ☺