Thoughts or suggestions on potty training 16mo old?

NachoMama • Married 9.1.18💍 Eleanor and Jillian's Mom 2.28.19❤ 6.4.20❤️

Shes very advanced. And shows interest. I'm just not sure how to go about it because she can't physically hold it through the night yet. So I was considering pull ups just for during the day...? but don't want to spend the money on this size if she decides she's not ready...?

She announces when she needs to go (sometimes after shes already gone) by saying "potty" or "poop" then I'll ask her "do you need to go potty/poop?" and she'll say "yes"

But lately she'll take off running to the bathroom after she says yes. And just kind of stands in there staring at the toilet. So she knows (ish) what's going on and where to go for it...

I don't want her to be disappointed in herself if we start this and she just isn't ready or if I can't get her diaper off fast enough.

Anybody have any suggestions or personal experiences with early training? Should I wait? Then what do I tell her when she goes into the bathroom? Should I get one of those toddler toilet seats? Do I invest in the pull ups? Or just see how the diapers go for now?