Constant fear of MC


Hey everyone,

I am 6 weeks pregnant today! (Due Feb 17th according to LMP) but I am terrified of miscarrying and it is preventing me from sleeping at night and I've been having panic attacks regularly.

I have had 4 miscarriages with my husband and we have one son who is 4 and a half. We have been ttc for almost 3 years now and finally got pregnant when I least expected it. I am constantly checking my boobs, get scared if I'm not nauseous or bloated, and am googling until 2 am. I'm losing my mind! I'm taking tests regularly to check for the line getting darker. I even had my HCG checked and it doubled in 35 hours.

So basically, I need to know how to calm tf down and just be.. because I am losing it. I want this baby so badly but this constant worrying is exhausting and honestly makes me worry more that I will hurt the baby because I'm worrying so much!! Lol

Any tips or advice, anyone on the same page? My 9 week scan cannot come soon enough.