Moving to fast?


So I’m 14 going into my freshman year and about 6 months ago I had a really hard breakup. We dated for 6 months and we weren’t that serious I guess and I’m so young too so I don’t really have to worry about it but I don’t know it gave me really bad trust issues. I was terrified to fall in love again and I definitely wasn’t looking for another relationship but I met this guy through some friends a little over a month ago. It was going really good and we talked every night and we hung out 4 ish times. Every time we would cuddle or just do dumb crap like that and goof off. 3 weeks ago we were chilling on the floor with some friends and he kissed me. We made out and I mean it was great and it wasn’t forced. That night he asked me out and we have been dating. I don’t know if we are moving to fast because we are both comfortable with it I just don’t want to do anything stupid. We hung out yesterday and I was practically on top of him making out and it was fun. I do feel like we are a little more physical then like emotional I guess but I do know I need to give it time. Any advice because I just get in my head so much and feel like I’m doing something wrong