Possible labor

Shyanna • Mommy of Erik 09/14/17 and Aiden 07/17/2020

I woke up today feeling kinda achy. Not a typically achy. My mom had my son last night because he fell asleep at her place she keep him there so he wouldn’t wake up. This allowed me to relax a bit. I went down to my moms back still kinda achy, and waited for the sun to go down a bit to take a walk to get some food. I ate Alfredo with a couple pieces of shrimp. Walked to the end of town and back to my moms. As soon as i got there i had to use the bathroom so did my mom. So i assumed probably just the food, but i have been bound up for almost 8 months now. I again went when i got back to my house. To add i had loose BM this morning too, but not as loose as tonight. Now my back is on and off aching and my stomach feels icky. It comes in waves though. You would think i could know the answer to this being hes my second, but im only 36 weeks. 2 weeks ahead of my first so im unsure. Thoughts.