Please Help!! First Time Mom Concern


Please Help! Hi guys First time mom here. So I just changed my baby diaper a few minutes ago at the 3 hour mark but her diaper was completely dry. There’s no pee in it whatsoever and she’s been feeding and barely spat up today. Is that normal?

I took her to the pedestrian today re said concerns among others but her pediatrician said she’s fine and that there is no sign of dehydration and she’s completely healthy baby and very active. She said there’s no cause for concern and I was very happy to hear that... and then tonight happened. (Sigh)

She’s had diapers with not much pee as of late (which is what caused me to be concerned in the first place / frequent spit ups) but this is the first time it’s been completely dry. If not dehydration, could it be something else? Should I get a second opinion? Has this ever happened to anyone? I’m trying so hard not to be a worrisome mom but I am so concerned.

Please Help! Thank you. (See pics attached)