Would you chose a single Mom as your adoption family?


I'm 30 years old. Mixed race. I own my own house and car, I have a stable career. I've been diagnosed with infertility for a decade and tried Assisted reproductive methods for a few years but I honestly always knew I'd adopt.

I got my approved home study through an adoption agency now I'm just waiting.. And wondering... If I'll be chosen.

It seems that all the birth Moms I've read stories from online were looking for a two parent household. And it feels like a competition. I'm single and not in a prestigious career or rich. What are my actual chances of getting chosen?

I don't think there's a way to accurately convey how empty my life is without a child. How bland holidays become as you age with no children to celebrate with. That there's a hole inside of you that grows and you know exactly what is missing but can't fill it on your own. I have nieces and nephews and God children that I see and spend time with and adore but it's not the same.

Birth mothers, what made you chose your adoptive families and did you automatically exclude single Moms?

Do you have any advice for things you'd have or would want a single Mom to talk about in their profile?

♥ Thank you

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