Need some advice😖

So I kinda like my cousins friend (jimmy) but the thing is I messed around with my cousins other friend (nathan). They’re all friends so obviously jimmy knows but I didn’t meet him until recently and he was super nice. Nathan was a total jerk and he used me then ended up blocking me so my brother got really pissed off cause he hurt me. So a couple of weeks ago jimmy texted me after we had gone on a vacation, cause he had came with my cousin. And like a week later my brother was like “why have you been texting him” and I told him that I hadn’t and that he had texted me that one time. I texted him wondering why he and my cousin told my brother and he said that he didn’t want my brother getting the wrong idea or something. Anyways I really wanna talk to him more but I’m sure he wouldn’t be interested. And even if I wanted to talk to him how would I start up a convo? Should I even do anything at all? Idk, help pleaseđŸ„ș