My July 15th baby is a June baby!


Had to go into hospital for bleeding and passing a blood clot on Saturday. Found out I had a placental abruption, It was decided to induce at 36+4 with 24hr pessary which started contractions on sunday night but I wasnt progressing enough so I got 3 lots of the gels and was still not progressing. Next step was getting on oxytocin (pitocin). Which starts off at 3mls, 6mls, 12mls... eventually after a few hours I was up to 60mls which is the max they can give you. I got checked before they increased to the 60ml and I was still at 3cm. I was struggling. I was only on 2 cocodamol and gas and air. I was feeling the urge to push and the midwife was telling me to stop pushing as I'm not dilated enough ( but I obv was) and to breathe through them but my body was doing it itself. She didnt even have time to catch him as she hadn't put her gloves on yet so he was born on the bed, screaming his heart out. Midwife was shocked at how quick I dilated and said I'm the first woman shes delivered to have max oxytocin and not need an epidural etc.

Joshua was born on 24th June at 37 weeks exactly, 5lbs 11oz, and didnt need observations or help breathing.

I'm doing good, I've about 4 grazes which are nearly healed already.

I had it so easy with my first son ( induced but 1hr 5 mins from start to finish) but because my body wasnt ready it was really really difficult through all the crying and the worst pain ever, he's here and healthy that's all that matters.

Hopefully when baby number 3 comes in a few years, I wont have to experience that again. 🤞

Good luck to all the mamas when you deliver your own little baby ❤