Whole month early!

Our July 24 baby turned into a June 24 baby!

My birthing story:

I had been checked on Sunday and I was 4cm, they sent me home and told me to take Tylenol for my back pain. Tuesday night I start feeling mild contractions start around 12, nothing too serious, just uncomfortable. So around 1:40am I then decide to start timing them, they instantly picked up by 3:30am. We head to the hospital, they check me I’m 7cm, literally a few seconds later my doctor checks me again and I’m at an 8 and he says I’m about to have my baby! Baby was coming so fast there was no time for any pain medicine or anything. Next thing I know, I pushed my lil guy out in about 6 seconds! He was born by 4:21! So thankful for such a fast, natural birth! ❤️