Mucus plug


I’m 37+2 baby’s breach (she’s actually diagonal) and if she hasn’t turned by my next appointment on 29th June then I have to stay in hospital for a week to keep checking, if she hasn’t moved by 39 weeks I have to have a c-section. Thing is last night I lost my mucus plug, it’s not the nicest looking thing either 🤢 it happened just as I was starting to have urges to have a poo, which is still happening today, but nothing happens when I go to toilet. This is my second baby but I was induced with first so didn’t have all of this. I haven’t had crampy feelings just little niggles at bottom of my tummy. I’m feeling so uncomfortable tho and this unusual hot British weather is NOT helping.

Has anyone else been going through this? I’m not sure if I should contact my midwife with my baby being breach or not. HELP!!!