Could be final doc appointment!

Taylor • Girl Momma to 3 Princesses! 💕 Homestead Wife

My doctor only sees patients every 2 weeks even at the end ! I seen her yesterday and she checked me and did the strep B swab! Still completely closed (disappointing given all the contractions I’ve been getting haha) but I’m 36+5 today and she said baby girl is in the perfect position, she can’t get any lower in my pelvis without coming out at this point ! She said we are good to go for labour !

She did say baby girl looks to be a good size nothing to big or to small! And fundal height is 34 weeks (she’s not surprised with how low I am!)

Here’s hoping I go into labour before my next appointment at 38+4!

She said she’s thinking I’ll go early with all the contractions and spotting so here’s hoping ladies!