Too early?










Here’s my situation... it may be a mess because I’m a mess and I feel so alone right now.

I have no memory what when my last period started, I just know I was on it on the 12th of May. I told the nurse I think I started on the 7th. We had unprotected sex on the 23rd and 6th.

Two weeks ago, I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I took another one a week ago today, and it was faint but positive. Over this week, it has gotten darker. I have really sore boobs, morning nausea, and exhaustion. My doctor’s appointment was today, which I felt was really early but they said I was around 7 weeks today.

Ultrasound showed a tiny sac, the tech seemed hopeful and said everything looked good for an early pregnancy. My doctor, was not hopeful at all. She’s already mentioning a D&C even though I’ve told her I have irregular period, I’m breastfeeding so my ovulation may of been late, and that my test have gotten darker. She said none of that matters. They took blood work but won’t know anything until Monday. She wants me to come back this coming Tuesday for another ultrasound. I feel that’s too soon. I don’t really feel confident in her.l on this. She was great with my first child, but she seemed so down the whole time she spoke to me. My husband had to wait outside so when she left the room, I just lost it. I know doctors can be “worst case scenario” but now I have all weekend to try not to worry.

I am thinking if my HCG level come back as normal for an early pregnancy, I’m going to reschedule my next ultrasound for two weeks out. I don’t know what would change in 4 days in the ultrasound.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? This just caught me off guard.

Tests 6 days apart