I am quite new to this, please reply


So I had my last day of period on June 18 and me and my partner had unprotected sex that day (Please note that he didn't ejaculate inside). 3 days later, I got back back pain and cramps which was new to me. I didn't pay attention to it because I thought it is just my hormones (I have hormonal imbalance and I am not on any medication)

Then by monday, June 22, we had unprotected sex once again (Again, he didn't ejaculated inside). But I got really worried because it was unprotected sex

The start of my ovulation according to my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> calendar is on monday, June 29. It is June 27 here in my country, and I already have the stretchy, egg-white-like discharge (discharge when your ovulation is happening or about to happen) yet it is still quite cloudy

So is there a possibility that I am gonna be pregnant? Me and my partner doesn't have any plans on having sex within my current cycle because we want to be sure on not having a baby yet.

Also, please note that I have an irregular cycle

I would really appreciate it if you share your insights on my current dilemma. Thank you very much 😊