... baby poop question!

Lisa • Proud Momma of my beautiful rainbow baby born oct 2019 ❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹 Step Momma to 2 boys and 1 girl.

Hi mommas. So my LO is 8 1/2 months, and she didn't really start taking to purees until about 7 1/2 months. She was exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months. Then at 6 months we started introducing formula to supplement while at her babysitters as it was getting harder get enough milk by pumping during the day, so she probably has about 6 oz of formula everyday, and the rest breastmilk. Well she always had a dirty diaper every day before all this but once we introduced the formula and the purees, she's only having a dirty diaper every 3 to 5 days, and consistency has definitely changed from mostly watery to more like peanut butter, but lately they've been even more solid, like clay. So to me I'm pretty sure she's constipated..so I feed her prunes, not her favorite but she'll take a few bites, and water, we tried juice but she refuses to drink it. I try to feed her lots of fiber rich foods and flax cereal, but her absolute favorite food is bananas. I try not to give them to her too much but when she's being picky and doesn't want to eat Ill give in and give her something mixed with bananas. I hit up the doctors office about it, but they just said the same thing to give her water and juice and prunes. Im just wondering if any of you dealt witn the same thing after transitioning to formula and solids, and if it got better or what did you do to help? I just don't want it to continue and get worse. Thanks!