please help me :(

Hi everyone so about a week ago I was on my period for about three days on the second day of my period I was with my boyfriend and we played around and I had given him a hand job and touched myself after I did so (he never came the only thing close to it was pre cum). The next day though I took a Plan B just in case because me and my boyfriend were freaking out after reading just things online. Yesterday he fingered me but I’m pretty positive he did not touch himself before and if he did he wiped his hands off and he always washes his hands before he does anything with me. That being said I know it’s common to have symptoms of Plan B but I’ve been freaking out. Reading stuff online freaks me out even more and I know the likelihood of me being pregnant from this stuff is very very minimal because I am a virgin I have not had sex yet. I’m just super stressed I don’t know what to ease my mind yesterday I started spotting as well and I’ve been feeling symptoms often on like being bloated having cramps nausea and fatigue. I just don’t know what to do I don’t know how to ease my mind and I know it’s too early to take a pregnancy test but I just don’t know what to do please somebody help me with advice!