Depression and anxiety

Amy • -
I am a sufferer of depression and anxiety and have been diagnosed with mental health issues for nearly 9 years now.  I feel that I have came a long way and feeling so much like my old self.. Some days are very hard but some days I can feel amazing! 
 anyone that needs a friend, someone to talk to in their times of need.. Or just something to read to relate to, to vent, take your mind off things.. I've recently made my own blog and I'd love for you to follow me, give me feedback and just to be there for you if you need a friend. Whatever it is that you can't talk to people you know, I'm a stranger and sometimes speaking to someone that doesn't know you or anything about you helps as my opinions are non-judgemental & non biased! You're all important as every one else in this world, waking up every morning can be a real struggle and if you're reading this and have mental health issues and you have made it through the day, you're amazing !!
My blog, please feel free to check it out  🌟💗 x x x x