Before & after*

*not after because I'm not finished but I've made progress ✊🏼

Feeling shitty so wanted to share something positive lmao 🤷🏻‍♀️

Thanks so much for the positive responses y'all got me feeling good 😄

Okay so l didn't do an actual diet or program. I unintentionally started intermittent fasting. And I stopped eating out so much! I honestly think that is what made the difference. We still eat out but once or twice a month and I only eat fast food one time a month, some months I dont order fast food at all (and when I do I feel like crap after eating it which makes me not even want it). So I still eat carbs and I don't track anything. I cut my portions down, but not by much. Also (while typing this) I realized I cut out probably 65% of my dairy intake, I still eat eggs, mayo, and I put milk in my coffee or cereal but I REALLY cut down on cheese I guess because my boyfriend hates it. I have a cup of coffee in the morning when I wake up and usually have my first meal around 4ish hours later, and I eat 2 or 3 meals a day, usually my eating window is around 7ish hours. Some days I snack, some days I don't. Coke is my vice though since being pregnant with my daughter. I have at least one or two a day atleast 5 days a week 😬😬 I keep saying I'm going to cut it out but I haven't yet... I actually do not exercise but I'm going to start, I do however walk at least 1-2 miles every day.

I've always struggled with my weight. I've done so many diets, programs, and challenges over the years. Sometimes I'd lose weight but it would always come back. I could never stick to anything. I guess it's the cliche "lifestyle change, not diet" so annoying to hear 🙄 I know I know... I always thought of "lifestyle change" as diet that you have to stick to forever but I see now its not really a diet at all I STILL EAT EVERYTHING I WANT. But in my eating window and I balance between nutritional meals and junk (normal good for you meals not bland chicken with bland vegetables ew)

It's all about the small changes for me.

I haven't lost the weight quickly like I normally would (I would be mad if I didn't lose 20 lbs a month) so it didn't come off as fast but it has stayed off. Since I started I have not gained any weight back other than at most 5lbs here and there that then comes off.

God i babbled so much I hope you can make sense of it all 🤦🏻‍♀️ lmao anyway I really hope this helps you to make small changes in your life as well to start reaching your goals. Good luck and much love. 💚