Changes in poop (breastfed babes)


Does anyone else seem to go in a cycle with your little ones nappies? (Poop consistency)

My daughters been on solids since 6 months and her poops became pretty firm (but not constipated if that makes sense) and stayed that way for ages.

There were no changes when her bottom teeth came through but now I think the top ones are starting and all of a sudden we’re back to those distinctive “milky” poos - she’s had 2 blow outs in 2 days which hasn’t happened since Xmas 🤣 she’s perfectly fine otherwise so I don’t think she’s sick or has a stomach upset. I don’t feel like shes taking and more/less milk than usual, and she hasn’t eaten anything particularly new the past week.

It’s just taken me be surprise that it’s such a polar opposite change to her nappies 🤔