Have you ever taken a test apart?


Hi all, my partner and I aren’t trying to get pregnant, and have been actively preventing with birth control, but I’ve been experiencing some very unusual symptoms (headache, constipation, light nausea, crazy lower back pain) and was told to test. I tested a few weeks back, thought I saw a line, but got my period a few days later and thought nothing of it. (I feel like I should mention, my period is very light due to the patch) Well, the symptoms are still here, and I was told to test again just to be sure. I thought I saw a line again, so I took the test apart to be sure.

This was the result within the timeframe.

I know blue dye is usually a no-no, but it was what they gave me in my grocery order lol. Is it worth it to buy a pink dye test, or can we safely write this off as an evap line??

(Again, this was taken within the first 5-7 minutes)