Nursing strike?


My baby is 13 weeks. I went back to work last week. I work 12 hour days, so the days I work I feed her before I leave and when I get back through the night. Before I went back to work, our breastfeeding relationship was perfect! We use kiinde bottles, which are supposed to mimic the breast. She used them a couple of a times before I went back to work while my mom would watch her for a couple hours but was fine when I got her back.

Now being back at work, I work 2-3 days straight then have 2-3 days off. On my days off of my first week she is giving me the hardest time breastfeeding! She’ll dream feed like a champ. But if she’s awake she’ll scream and fight it, which she’s never done before. I just wait for her to fall asleep and do another dream feed. It’s just so frustrating and upsetting. She’s so young still I feel like this is what she’s supposed to love and bring her comfort, but instead she acts like I’m a stranger strangling her or something 😩 today will be day 6. She dream fed throughout the night and her 7am feed. I’m just so nervous about when she wakes up for the day. Anyone have any tips or experiences ?! How long will this last??

Thanks in advance