Worried-I need to put my mind at ease


Hi everyone!

Quick background: I have a healthy nine year old boy. I also experienced and ectopic pregnancy about 3 years ago, which ended in a tubal removal. SO and I have been trying for 3 months o get pregnant.

On Friday, I had light bleeding for about 8 hours. The blood was red and enough to fill 1-2 pads. I wasn’t due to start my period until Monday, I thought this was odd because I’ve never been that early, but figured AF came a few days early. I did take a cheapie test Friday morning and got a BFN.

Saturday, Sunday, Monday, no bleeding but light spotting (pinkish/brownish). This was really odd because I always get a heavier flow the second and third days of my period. I didn’t experience any other prior symptoms.

Yesterday (Tuesday), I went to the restroom and noticed a mucus discharge in my pad (I’ve been wearing a pad since Friday in case AF decides to come full-force). The discharge was pinkish/brown and looked like a booger. I have never seen something like this before.

Over the last few days, I have been feeling dizzy, nauseous, and fatigued. So I decided to take another cheapie test (Dollar Store Assured Brand) this morning and got another BFN.

Has anyone experienced this before? Could my period have been just really light? Is there a possibility I could be pregnant and it not show on a test? I’m scared I might experience another ectopic and my levels are just too low. Please help!

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Totally possible it could just be a light period. You can test if you want to or call the doctors office for advice . Good luck