Break up with the love of my life


2 1/2 years ago, i met the love of my life. More than often we talked about having a life together. We talked about having babies and moving out and getting married. For a few months, we even talked about running away together. I'm a sucker for this dude. We've broken up before but we always ended up coming back to each other. About a month before the break up he came over and we were cuddling and kissing and we had sex and everything was amazing. I would have been pregnant and having a baby in a month if he hadn't BOUGHT me a plan B in November. He couldn't keep his hands off of me. He was still telling me he loved me and that we'd spend forever together. He even called me his soulmate. But a week or 2 later he tells me he's no longer happy and that he didn't want to be in a relationship. i couldn't eat or sleep for weeks. i was almost forced by my mother to be admitted for 72 hour evaluation due to suicide attempts. I'm still a mess and I'm still so lost. We don't really talk anymore because he now has 3 jobs and never has time to even talk to his own mother. I miss him a lot. I really love this guy. I don't want to lose him. I want my sweet boy back.

How does this change so quickly?? We never fought. All we had were good times. I want that first guy back. I don't know what happened to him but i miss him so fucking much. I want him back.