Thinking of exclusively pumping


I’m almost 4 weeks postpartum and I have been only breastfeeding. Baby eats frequently and is on my boob for most part of the day and night.

Now that I got a good flow of milk going I’m thinking of only pumping now.

Reasons why:

- Baby spends long time on boob. I even think he uses me as a pacifier. This means I barely have time to do things like clean up, cook, spend time with my toddler etc.

- My 3 year old toddler needs me and I feel bad saying no, telling her to wait or I’m unable to do a lot immediately for her unless my husband is around cause I’m stuck breastfeeding.

- It would be nice to have bottles readily available for my husband to help feed.

- I’m Worried of falling asleep while breastfeeding during night time feeding.

Is anyone else exclusively pumping. How’s it going for you and when did you start? Any tips ? And How to prevent oversupply ?