Was your family ever cruel to you

So all my life all of my family have been extremely horrible and abusing to me. They never called me by my name it was always ‘the pig’ fat bitch’ or some other cruel word they would come up with I was always told I wasn’t wanted and I’m the most hated child I was starved while my brothers was fed like kings. I had nothing in my room even my lightbulb was taken away because they knew I was afraid of the dark I was always accused and punished for things I didn’t do my dad tried to help me buy hiding food in bushes for me to eat and stuff but when they found out they wouldn’t let me see him anymore my brothers was allowed to beat me to a pulp multiple times a day and I was never allowed hot water for baths. And a lot of other cruel stuff Now I never talk to my family because I hate them all but they are constantly asking me why I hate them and that they have done nothing to me and I have made everything up. I suffer from severe depression anxiety eating disorders and constantly have panic attacks and flash backs yet they have the audacity to say i made it all up

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