I feel so sad for my puppy 😭

She's going to the vet today because she has her 3rd seizure two weeks ago and hasnt been eating regularly for a while now.

The vet isn't allowing people to come in with their pets though. Basically we call when we get there and when they're ready they'll come get your pet after asking you whatever they have to ask. Once they're inside they call you during the appointment so you know what's going on.

My poor puppy is going to have to go with a total stranger and them poke and prod at her. We've had her since day one and we never took her around people/other dogs so unfortunately she's scared of them ☹️ Which was completely my fault since I'm her dog momma and regret it so much. She's not aggressive, I've taught her that's a no-no, she just does not like people.

I'm scared because I know she'll be scared. Ive been lovin on her more than usual all week so she knows that I love her and that I'm sorry