Child support questions.

So my ex husband has been court ordered to pay $250 a month since 2017. We've hardly seen it and he's behind almost $4,000. We had contempt court and they raised it to $300 in order to pay his arrears and that if he misses 2 payments from then until his arrears are paid off (I did the math and its like 6.5 years) he's going to jail. This was in February and he didn't pay February or March and only paid l $145 for June. He got a notice of failure to pay because it wasn't the whole $300 he's supposed to pay and he's accused me of messing with the paperwork like what? I tried to explain that the "arrears to family" at the beginning of the month is for the month before not for the current month and he just keeps going on and on. Am I wrong in understanding this or what?

PS he hasn't seen or asked about our 3 year old in over 2 years so I don't feel bad for him at all.