Little help


Ok so I need some reassurance and input on your experiences ladies.

Little backstory. I went on 6.18 to transfer my 5day embryo. This is my 1st <a href="">IVF</a> after 5 failed <a href="">IUI</a>’s.

I went for my beta today (14dpt) and my results are official. I am pregnant!! The nurse did tell me my HcG level is on the low side. So now I’m freaking out. She said it was at 121 and I should be around 5-600.

I’ve tested since the morning of 6.28 (even tho I was told to wait) because I had sore boobs. I figured Wth might as well.

I used these cheapies I bought off Amazon and in my personal opinion there line is slowly getting darker. I’m really hoping for the best and that my number isn’t as bad as I think it is.

I’ve been through a previous loss (natural) 3 years ago and since then we’ve been on our “assisted” path.

Do you think these look right? As in the line progressing?

What do you all think? Any similar experiences?

Thanks in advance 😬

I feel as the reason it’s not as dark as I would like is linked to the lower hcg as the nurse mentioned.