Anyone’s baby beginning to get on all fours and rock? Mine has done it twice today. 😳 Also he has been doing this for 3 or 4 days... rolling everywhere... He will be 6months on the 14th

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My daughter did this when she started crawling


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I wish my boy would! He sleeps on all fours, but can’t seem to figure it out when he’s awake -.- he’s almost 7 months and just not having any parts of trying to crawl😂


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My boy is doing it too! It’s pretty exciting!


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YES!! My baby has done that for about 2 weeks and it just now beginning to (kind of) crawl 😂 he takes about 2 steps and rolls over or does that! He turned 5 months on the 22nd. He gets around everywhere in the craziest ways and does it so fast.