Can I still boost up my milk supply after 2 months?

Angie • Mommy of a baby boy with wings 👼💙 Soon to be mommy of a baby boy 👶💙🌈 💙Forever in our hearts Ethan Emmanuel Robledo Sanchez👼💙

So my baby is having problems with the formula and I was wondering if I buy things to to boost up my milk supply will it still help? I want to see if at least he will do good with breast milk...I am wondering this because I kinda want to get my nipples pierced and if it is possible to boost up my supply then I won’t get it then pierced but if it won’t help I really want them done...I really don’t know why but aha I just feel like they look cute😂

Also I only breastfeed for the first week and sometimes on and off but I would pump afterwards because he is tongue tied and had trouble latching to my breast and I plan on pumping and giving it to him in his bottle that he really loves (evenflo balance) also yes some still come out but it’s very little.