Do people actually survive selling/buying a home?

This is seriously the most stress I have ever been under. I hate this so much. We are under contract on a home, but it’s contingent on the sale of ours. Houses sell quickly in our town, and ours was no exception. We went under contract within two days. The buyers just backed out last night after completing inspections. The inspections weren’t alarming to me personally, and we were absolutely willing to fix or give money for any of the issues.

Now it’s back on the market and showings are rolling in, which is great. But I am tired of it trying to keep a super clean home with a 15 month old girl. I hate leaving my home at the drop of the hat for a showing. I hate leaving all day for showings and open houses. It’s a pandemic and we have nowhere to go aside from my mom’s, an hour away. My daughter’s schedule is interrupted completely.

We worked so hard and poured so much into this home. We are still exhausted from that. I can never relax. There’s always a worry or a task. I’m pregnant and feel like crap all the time on top of it. Nothing like cleaning a house from top to bottom daily when you are nauseous for the majority of the day. We feel like strangers in our own home. This sucks so much.

Do people actually survive this?