Can't Talk??🤦

So I've just recently entered a

D/s relationship and I'm kind of confused..

Everytime we are together I basically do a 180 and am completely different with him as opposed to on my own or even with others. Normally I'm very out going, opinionated and I've been told kind of intimidating.

With my Dom.. it's like I suddenly became shy and very quiet. Now don't get me wrong- I love this feeling! I feel safe and very cared for. Im just kind of curious as to the 'why' this happens?

And for some reason when we play I become almost non-verbal and that's definitely new to me. I find myself mostly using different tones of hums and just body language to communicate.

He doesn't seem to mind really but mostly again I'm just curious about the 'why' part. I've never had these mannerisms before and while I don't mind them, actually I've never felt more at peace and myself, I'm so curious as to why this started happening.

If anyone has any ideas or links I could read I'd really appreciate it. This is all very new to me and I've never been happier in any relationship I've had. But I am so curious!! Thank you for any help!!