Somewhat not related but advice??

Okay so my fiancé and I are in NC renting a home. Monday Home Depot came to deliver our washer and dryer. Well they couldn’t hook up our washer because he said the place where the hoses go was corroded so when he went to unscrew it something popped and he had to turn off my water. So I called the realtor and was like uh I have no water and this pipe is broke so my washer won’t hook up. So she sent their handy man to repair it and cut my water on. So Monday night he cuts on the water and comes back Tuesday to fix the pipe. So he finished the pipe Tuesday and then hooks up our washer. HE then ran a test load in the washer. He didn’t hook up the drain pipe so he ran the washer and it drained all over our kitchen floor and ruined the laminate floor so now the realtor is blaming us for the damage. Is it our fault or the handy mans? We have renters insurance but I don’t want to file a claim for something we didn’t do.

ETA: would you file the claim? Tell the realtor no and see what she does? Idk what can she do? Evict us? Sue us?