
Janelle • 👩‍👩‍👦🏳️‍🌈wife carried our son on IUI #1 👶🏻 #2 3IUI ❌ 1 chemical FET#1 chemical FET#2 ✅ I carried our daughter 5 embabies ❄️

I went to the doctors on Thursday to check my follicles to see if we could move forward with insemination on Monday. I have my right tube blocked. Luckily follicles formed on my left side. There were four, but they were 6mm. I was taking 100mg of clomid for 5 days. Now I got prescribed 150mg of clomid for another five days. I go in on Monday to check if my follicles got bigger. If so I will trigger and inseminate on Tuesday. Please send pink baby dust my way.

Side question what side effects did everyone feel from taking clomid?