what do you think? LONG POST

i’ve made one but also decided to post it in here for more thoughts! in aug 2019 i had gotten my period and it last for two months! i never wanted to tell my mom cause i was like maybe i’m just irregular but my periods were always on time! like perfectly on time so i told her and we went to the doc and she said next time this happens come back and we will put you on birth control. IVE NEVER HAD CRAMPS BEFORE JUST SAYING THIS NOW. so after that appointment my period went back to being normal but actually shorter. they used to last up to two weeks but then after that LONGGG one it lasted for about 4-5 days every time and i kept thinking wow short period no cramps and light flow how’d i get so lucky! i just turned 16 which means i can still be irregular but so far i’ve been okay until recently. i want a job because i want to start early and get my car. i love to drive. so i got hired on june 20 2020 at a local fast food place. i had to wait a week before i could actually start working. it worked out cause i had gotten my period when i had left the day i got hired june 20. so like my other periods i expected this one to end june 23. but it didn’t. it ended around june 25. which i thought was kind of weird for it being longer than usual. i brushed it off cause it was feeling normal the WHOLE time. so following monday comes around and i started my first job i was excited getting paid 11$ an hour as a first job is very exciting. so i have breathing problems and it prevents me from doing any excersise so i’ve been lazy my whole life but not out of choice but because my body won’t physically allow me too. so i went from sleeping in to working 9 hour shifts three days in a row. my last shift was july 1 and i have my next shift july 5.

SOOOO on july first my period has obviously ended at this point as i was working with my best friend of 6 years i had a huge pain in my lower stomach. LIKE stop working the fryer pain, ironic i’m experiencing it rn as i type,ANYWHO he immediately got worried and i was like maybe i’m just hungry. about half an hour later i finally went on lunch and still had the severe cramping. it would come about every 5 minutes last like 3mins and go away like i’m in labor?? even tho i’m a virgin and never had sex? i’m waiting till marriage but anyway. i went to the bathroom and there was blood all over my underwear. i unfortunately had nothing with me and had five hours left of work and didn’t want to tell my co workers that i just met two days ago. so i went and “freebleeded” which i’ve never done and i had black jeans on so you couldn’t tell at all but the flow was HEAVY. so the next day july 2 the bleeding slowed down A LOT like it stopped but i still had the cramping. i decided to go swimming and half way thru swimming i had extreme stomach pain and was holding my 6 yo sis that cant swim so i gave her to someone else so that she didn’t get hurt. after swimming for two hours i came in and just laid around in extreme pain that was bringing me to tears. SOOOOO that leads me to today july 3rd the period came back even worse. the pain is excruciating i bend over and hold my stomach for a min just for it to go away. my bleeding is very heavy to the point i went through two pads in two hours when before i went through one pad every eight hours even then it was filled. i’m still experiencing all this. i’m wondering if it’s because the work is effecting my body. i want to tell my mom about it but i don’t want to go to the doc since covid is a thing and i have underlying health problems and if i catch covid it will def kill me and i don’t wNt to catch it over a period yk? PLEASEEEE PUT YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS