Spotting in my 5 days after FET


Hi ladies, please help i have my transfer last june 28 i have retroverted uterus, 2 4aa embies was transfer doctor give me clexane and gestone progesterone injection , aspirin before and after transfer 2 times a day progesta suppository , on my 3rd day i have milp cramping to 4th day and brown spot ang become pink and day 5 and ihave bit red spot when i insert the suppository i got red blood in my finger (please check photo sorry for that )then become to pink spot till yesterday , i call doctor to give update of this then he said to increase dosage for gestone and 3 times suppository and stop aspirin and clexane, and today is my day 6 nothing spot anymore what is think happen?

But make me worried that im already out of the game?

Doctor he was very good ,he give me intralipidsfor nk cells bit high, prednisolone also .

Anyone experience or thinking happens to me?? Im thing it cant be a period cozim taking progesterone and white tablet still. Please