
So my ex-boyfriend and I broke up when we were in year 8 after we went out for a year, and I know some of you are probably thinking "that's why too young" or "it was probably a relationship where no one talked to eachother", well your wrong and that's okay. We were very mature for our age and when I mean mature I mean really really mature. Anyway we broke up because we went to different high schools and we couldn't find time for eachother, we have since then stayed friends and are closer then anything also lately we have been flirting but the worst part is that he has a girlfriend that he likes a lot even though he would probably dump her for me and that's not what I want at all, his girlfriend is so sweet and lovely. Anyway I like this guy and he likes me and I like him sooo much that I'm sort of caught between both of them, I can't choose and it sucks. 
Helpppp!!!! Any suggestions???