Broke up with my bf a couple days ago and his moms texting me

She told me to have a good summer

Then texting me saying she will miss me

And then texted me saying she will miss me (again) and that she will miss having me around the house to hang out with and that she loved seeing my hang out with her daughter and daughter in law. And that she understands that times change and wishes me the best.

Is this weird??? We dated almost 4 years and I did hang out with his fam a lot and was decently close to his mom and she is the sweetest but this was my first relationship so idk if that’s weird.

It made me sad. I haven’t talked to my ex in the last 5 days because we broke up 5 days ago but I talked to his mom yesterday and now today...

I almost want to text him and be like “your mom is so sweet but I need you to ask her to stop texting me please” but also I don’t want to talk to him bc itll make everything too hard.

What do I do???