Covid test?


I’ve been feeling sick for the past week starting around last Thursday. At first it felt like allergy symptoms but then that Saturday night it felt worse and then Saturday morning I was very congested and saw the doctor. They said it was drainage and gave me cough medicine. I went back the day after because the bottom half of one of my eyes turned pink and I felt worse, they still didn’t really do anything except saying that I possibly had some virus but didn’t test me for anything. I started feeling better Tuesday aside from coughing, my nose being runny and my throat feeling swollen and sore off and on. Also my nose does feel a bit congested at night and when I first wake it but aside from that it’s fine. It’s been like that since then but my throat feels worse but again it’s off and on. I just found out that some people from my job tested positive but I was never in super close contact with them. Should I go back to the doctor and get tested or try to wait it out?